
so you won’t usually ever find me randomly browsing the internet. i’m very much a ‘ i have X time reserved for screen time and this is my list. period.’ then i’m done and go back to the real world. today was not one of those days. i’m glad i mindlessly sat for a few minutes to catch up with some blogs and sites in my bookmarks. here’s what i’ve found worth sharing…

i love this photographer’s work— and what she had to say in this post is definitely worth sharing to all you aspiring photographers out there. [particularly bullet point No. 4]

i love the beam ceilings in this home. we plan to do this in our bedroom addition someday.

this book looks great!

um….yum! sometimes I get tired of eating steak the normal way.

my cousin’s wedding is here in October! we can not wait!!

i love emily henderson. especially her use of color pop. I want need that red cross flag.

we just saw the remake of Footloose (the original, of which, is my all time favorite movie) and thought this guy made an awesome Willard.



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