jade and curt are getting married!

i was going to call this post ‘bait and the badger’ due to an inside joke… when we were visiting this glorious grainery just north of wahoo [thank you so much miles and alicia…who ironically happened to be getting married the same day as these two!], we happened to see a badger. [cue the scary music] we combined all we knew about badgers, and collectively we determined that they are bad news. long claws, anti-social and just plain mean. and very saddened by the fact that the badger was hiding in the exact pile of ‘stuff’ we wanted to photo by. enter: the stray cat. we named him ‘bait.’ very affectionate to us strangers, but we thought it’d be a good idea for him to accompany us to the badger-danger-zone just in case (and we had an fast escape plan, too)  let me assure you i would never put a child or a slow-runner in harms way for a photo shoot, but jade and curt figured they could handle the risk. so we took our photos and avoided being attacked by mr. badger. applause, applause. but wouldn’t you agree it was all worth it?? enjoy!



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