
like beer? LOVE dogs?

read on.

my adorable friend Crystal is such an advocate for dogs + rescue. she has had a passion for these mammals since birth. and now that she’s an adult, she’s become quite the entrepreneur! she has a blog called Wayward Dogs, dedicated to the life stories of fellow dog owners; and now a new business called Beer Paws for products for those who love beer just as much as their four legged buddies. this is their introductory product: a gizmo that attaches to your dog leash. sure it’s cute… it has a paw print on it and comes in 2 colors. but it has a vital function in the thirst-quenching department. psst… it’s a bottle opener! and who better to drink beer with than your doggy?

‘if you’re excited, he’s excited. if you take him to a party, you’re suddenly the most popular person there.

And if it’s a night when you have tears in your beer, well, the dog won’t judge you for that.’



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